Team Coordinator and CEO Core Calabro
Born in Cosenza, 1982.
He grew up with an irrepressible vocation for journalism since elementary school, no toys and no videogames around him, his bedroom was often invaded by daily newspapers, magazines, books. A primordial passion for sports literature, he loves reading the biographies of the greatest sport champions. He’s always keen to collect the most beautiful records of sports stories, putting videos, newspaper clippings, files and photos in a huge archive.
After his high school studies in Amantea – his beloved home – he collaborated for years as a reporter with Calabrian press.
In Rende he graduated twice at the University of Calabria. First, in Tourism Sciences, years of wonderful, unforgettable lessons with professors who made him understand the immeasurable cultural heritage of the Calabrian land.
A second academic degree in Communication Theory and Public Communication, where he perfected his knowledge of the language and its creative connections with cinema, television, narrative, philosophy, radio and advertising.
Then, always at UNICAL the opportunity to attend a specialization course in Tourism Management, to consolidate skills in the tourism sector, in which since 2015 he has been working as a tourist guide (and also tour leader), with qualification issued by the Calabria Region after having taken an exam.
Tourism and Culture
His obsession? He likes to tell the social history of the most characteristic villages in Calabria, especially those far from the mass tourism, deepening in particular the anthropological topic and popular traditions.
He’s also interested in the more purely economic or urbanistic topic, he likes to reconstruct the evolution of a community and of the landscape surrounding.
Tourism, Culture. Tourism is culture. There is no more natural, more perfect combination than this in Italy.
The foundation of Core Calabro is the direct consequence of this obsession. «We’re gonna give tourist the instructions to understand, to learn something about a town, about a place» – this is what makes so exciting and involving to be a tourist guide.
You reach the goal if the guide has the patience and care to listen to the scientific contributions of the archaeologist, of the architect, the art historian, the geologist, the botanist, the anthropologist.

Why the name Core Calabro
The dialectal word “Core” in Calabria, and in the Southern Italy in general, means Heart.
A native Calabrese is always described as a person with a hard head and an innate stubbornness.
Well, we think that he has the heart of those people who have seen so many things along their history. A heart in which so many feelings and emotions have accumulated, that when you meet one Core Calabro and exchange some jokes with him, you are overwhelmed by an unusual passion and generosity.
Calabrians always tell something, they always have something to narrate.
They will do it with words, music, gesture, sculpture, art and food. Everything is the outcome of a fruitful cultural contamination.
We, at Core Calabro, work with passion to bring to light and divulgate every aspect of Calabrian culture, even tiny files, traces which don’t touch those people who follow the flow of mass tourism.
Calabria is a slow experience.
For us, Tourism means Culture.
Led by a Core Calabro guide, the gaze of a tourist will never be idle.
You will know the authentic Calabria, without filters. You will see the original character of this land, this community, this social history, through the texts and images.