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Things to do in Pizzo

The most welcoming salon in Calabria

A magic square where you can dream and relax:
things to do in Pizzo Calabro

Someone, probably an inspired writer, in the last century, “baptized” Pizzo Calabro as the “Salotto della Calabria”… it means the best lounge in Calabria!
That’s true. Pizzo Calabro certainly offers a space (Piazza della Repubblica) with the tastiest variety of ice creams in the whole region, as well as a relaxing location to enjoy friends, family and landscape.
Right there, in Pizzo Calabro, the amazing panoramic views of the Costa degli Dei begin. Must visit!

The Tartufo ice cream, so delicious

Among the most emblematic pastry stories there is one very very particular and suggestive: we’re talking about Tartufo di Pizzo amazing success, a specialty created by chance, in 1952.
The first Tartufo came up from the creative hands of don Pippo De Maria, who could not find the molds to serve ice cream for his guests.
In a smarty way he decided to overlap two portions of hazelnut and cocoa, using the hand palm and obtaining in the center a small space to put liquid dark chocolate.
He froze it, he wrapped it in paper for food, and after a while he served it, after a dusting of cocoa on the surface. It was amazing.
It is still today a delight you must taste!
You can’t renounce.

Joachim Murat
a story of love, war, madness and bravery

The Murat castle (fortified residence you can visit) stands close to the balcony of Piazza della Repubblica.
That’s a symbolic place. Joachim Murat was a Napoleon Bonaparte’s general and his brother-in-law, he married Carolina Bonaparte, an ambitious and capricious girl.
He became the king of Naples. He was a brilliant character in this sort of historical movie shot in Italy.
In 1815, he had definitely turned his back on a decadent Napoleon. He led his troops (36,000 men) to challenge the Austrians for supremacy on the Peninsula, but he was annihilated in Tolentino, in the region of Marche, on 2nd and 3rd May.
Forced to repair in Corsica, he had a final gasp of pride (or madness). Supported by a few faithful soldiers, he left to conquer Naples, someone convinced him that he could overthrow Ferdinand IV of Bourbon, who was just enthroned again.

The tragic end in Pizzo Calabro

A storm pushed the boats he captained to Pizzo. It was October 8th 1815.
The population, almost indifferent, did not support him. He was disarmed, imprisoned in the castle and shot on October 13th, after a trial with a foregone conclusion.
The terrible execution was over the terrace of Pizzo’s castle.

The elegant architecture of the mother church

The main church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and to St. George, is very magnificent, you can see valuable paintings and sculptures.
Pay attention to the statue of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, where M. Carlo Canale could be the client rather than the author, and to Saint John the Baptist attributed to Pietro Bernini, both dating back to the 16th century. The marble has been worked and finished beautifully.

A very pleasant surprise in Pizzo:
the church of Piedigrotta

If you continue by car on the 522 state road, you may contemplate a rare triumph of popular art, very close to the sea.
That’s the religiosity interpreted by skilled masters and stonemasons, unknown artists. Those men gave Pizzo the jewel of the church of Piedigrotta.
From the end of the nineteenth century Angelo Barone, and then his son Alfonso in the 1900s, local artists, chose to dedicate much of their life to sculpting scenes and figures, especially sacred, in the sandstone rock, digging in the sediment very close to the shoreline.
They shaped an incredible series of rock statues, inspired by Christ and by the lives of saints.